I recently read of the term "face poet" in Flare magazine, one of my favourite Canadian fashion mags, and I thought that was a great term. Good makeup artists really are poets. I myself graduated from the university of YouTube and by no means would I call myself a skilled expert or even attempt with confidence to do another persons makeup.
Nevertheless I truly believe that makeup is one of the best parts of being a girl (or guy who likes makeup!) Along with fashion, there is really is no better way to transform a look, tell a story, play dress-up or enjoy a good alter-ego. Everyone needs a good alter-ego!
Here's one of my recent experiments along with a quick how-to:
After applying primer on your lids, dust the entire lid with a pale base colour.
Follow with a healthy coat of a bright pink all over the lid.
Using an angled contouring brush, pat on a bright purple shadow to only the outside half of the lid.
Using a flat angled brush, apply pink shadow to the lower lash line (inside half) and purple shadow to the outside half.
Blend, blend, blend!
Line the upper and lower lashline with black liner.
And for all you who don't think you could be a face poet...don't stop trying and experimenting! It could be you haven't found the right tools or colours or techniques and sometimes all it takes is a little more practice. And it's not like I'm anything close to a professional makeup artist, but I am very happy with the looks I've been able to achieve and make my own. You just need to find what works for you!
Happy makeuping!

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