Debbie and I recently attended an exciting men's wing launch at the Montreal Kiehl's store downtown and the evening did not disappoint! It was a full house that included Montreal musician Jonas Tomalty who provided some music in support of the Head and Hands Foundation. We were there to celebrate the launch of Kiehl's brand new men's line which include products specifically designed with men's needs in mind. Turns out that men tend to have more sebaceous glands and consequently, sweat more and are more prone to oily skin. And of course there's the pesky shaving thing. Enter Kiehl's specialized cleansers, moisturizers, sun care and all sorts of odds and ends for shaving.

Their line of "Oil Eliminator" products has a particularly interesting story. They use "aerolite" technology which employs the same kind of substance used by NASA as insulating material in space! It's made of 99.98% air by volume and essentially absorbs a lot of the sweat and oil produced by our skin. Talk about "putting space on your face!"
All in all, it was a great night of perusing some fab skincare products, munching on goodies and listening to some sweet tunes. We can't wait to test out some of their products!